Speech Title: Improving Fall Risk Assessment To Reduce Falls In Assisted Living Communities Biography: Barbara De Groot earned her Doctor...
Title: Healthcare-Associated Infections A Threat To Patient Safety
Title: Enhancing Staff Involvement in Hospital Management: A Customized Electronic Health Record in AfricaMrs. Stephanie El-Khoury is currently a consultant for...
Title: Existing Barriers with Healthcare Workers who Work in the Emergency Medical Services from Low-Income to Middle-Income Countries Accessing Affordable...
Title: Improving Pain Assessment In The Emergency Department And Its Impact On Overall Patient Experience In Their Pain ManagementBiography: Name Dr...
Title: Stress Factors, Stress Levels, and Coping Mechanisms among University Students
Title: Nurse Specialist, Erada Mental Health, DammamBiography: Ms. Roua Aman RN, BSN, MSc in 2010 from Eastern Health Cluster, Saudi...
Title: The ACR Appropriateness Criteria: A Giant Step Towards Evidence Based ImagingDr. Noor Al-Khori is the first Qatari physician to...